Sports patient
A passionate athlete and active track and field athlete, Luigi trained almost daily. Until a cruciate ligament injury on his right side threw him off track. And that's where we came in and Luigi pro-actively approached us. The subsequent examination showed him to have a relatively healthy, mobile foot, which, however, in motion during the phase of load bearing, showed a significant eversion of the calcaneus with a significant drop in the longitudinal arch of the foot - more so on the right than on the left. Therefore, the approach was to intervene via an active foot orthotic approach, thus supporting the plantar fascia muscles to counteract overpronation. In the muscle-link chain - so the theory goes, this should also improve knee tracking and unload the cruciate ligaments.
The medial rearfoot element was constructed to provide support at the sustentaculum tali while simultaneously approximating the tendon of the posterior tibialis muscle at its insertion and origin. This gave the muscle an activation impulse, with each step and as a subconscious training in the shoe.
Today Luigi is symptom-free. He can train regularly again and - very important - cut a good figure for us and others at shootings. Sometimes fate takes good paths.
Pain patient
Julia is a professional dancer and has already performed on many well-known stages in Europe. The intensive training has led to the fact that Julia's feet were permanently overloaded and often massively painful. The analysis by the Springer Aktiv expert showed that Julia's foot was in permanent muscle tension and that the footprint showed it as a hollow foot with an external rotation component and callosity in the metatarsal area. The approach in active care with orthotics was to reduce her pain and unload the foot. Therefore, in her case, a large, planar retrocapital support was used to provide both relaxing and pressure redistributing effects. The particular challenge for the proprio expert was to customize this massively pelted foot orthotic for the dance shoe - and this was done with success.
Today, Julia describes that she has managed her pain well with active foot orthotics in her everyday shoes.
Since early childhood, Johannes has walked with an idiopathic pointed foot gait in everyday situations and during fast movements. He shows a compensatory slightly internally rotated gait pattern and posture defictis (e.g. round neck and scoliosis).
The aim of fitting him with active foot orthotics was to reduce the tonus in the gastrocnemius muscle in order to ensure heel strike. This was accomplished via a retrocapital step and toe bar to detonate the calf muscles. Lightweight rearfoot elements hold and support the foot in the lower ankle.
Over the time he wore the foot orthotics, a training effect developed that in the medium term led to Johannes no longer exhibiting a pointed foot even when walking barefoot. His posture developed extremely good.